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- Vajrakilaya, Black Dzambala Prayer Flag
Vajrakilaya, Black Dzambala Tibetan Prayer Flag tall banner style Tibetan Prayer flags are printed with sacred images, prayers and mantras.
Purpose of Vajrakilaya prayer flags: Protection and clearing of negative energy.
The Blue Guru Vajrakilaya and Black Dzambala, Dzambhala or Zambala Prayer Flag is specially designed for the person who is balancing the wood elementwhich is balanced by this prayer flag which helps to accumulate more health, wealth and powerful protection this two deities.
It is said that wherever the wind that touches them goes, it will carry the beneficial power of the prayers to any beings it meeets. Prayer flags are used as a 'Feng Shuei' tool, they not only prevent the bad 'Chi 'but also transforms them into good and useful ones for the benefit of all sentient beings as and when wind and rain touches them.
Vajrakilaya, Black Dzambala Tibetan Prayer Flag dimensions: 58" x 26", with ties on one side.
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